Comment to 'Hi all UNA people:) Its poll about small and (IMHO) handy option in JOT messenger conversations : MARK ALL AS READ. Now we have to scroll down ALL messages in ALL conversations  in aim to reset JOT's counter. After this short conversation with AlexT, and because of his courtesy suggestion, I call all of you, UNA people, to vote here! For your convenience - it's anonymous. But feel free to add your disclosed comment:)) Be kind, vote, please :) '
  • It's ok, Baloo, thanx for your vote^)

    Of course, you welcome to intervate :) 
    I see the automatic reset based on preset term a bit problematic, let say that in your example (7 day) somebody wisiting site once per month have no any possibility to see notifications :) But for sure - better automatic than nothing, and better manual than automatic:))