Comment to 'Dolphin Migration Errors'
  • so this is my solution for the mistake, transfers the videos nut not all for BxDolMVideos.php my sugestion;

                    $iVideoId = $this -> isItemExisted($aValue['ID']);
                    if ($iVideoId)
                    // Sugestion start
                    // $sVideoTitle = $aValue['Title']; // original code
                    $sVideoTitle = !empty($aValue['Title']) ? $aValue['Title'] : 'Untitled Video'; // Default title if missing
                    // Sugestion finish
                    // Sugestion start
                    $sVideoText = !empty($aValue['Description']) ? $aValue['Description'] : 'No description available'; // Default description if missing
                    // Sugestion finish
                    $sQuery = $this -> _oDb -> prepare(
                                    INSERT INTO
                                        `author`            = ?,
                                        `added`             = ?,
                                        `changed`           = ?,
                                        `video`             = 0,
                                        `title`             = ?,
                                        `allow_view_to`     = ?,
                                        `text`              = ?,
                                        `status_admin`      = ?,
                                        `status`            = ?,
                                        `cat`               = ?
                            $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(),
                            $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(),
                            $this -> getPrivacy($aValue['Owner'], (int)$aValue['AllowAlbumView'], 'videos', 'album_view'),
                            // $aValue['Description'], original code
                            // Sugestion start
                            $sVideoText,  // Aici folosești descrierea din Dolphin
                            // Sugestion finish
                            $aValue['admin_status'] == 'active' ? 'active' : 'hidden',
                            $aValue['status'] == 'approved' ? 'active' : 'hidden',
                            $this -> transferCategory($aValue['Categories'], 'bx_videos', 'bx_videos_cats')

    BxDolMVideoAlbums.php i have edit some line:

                    // Sugestion start
                    // $sAlbumTitle = isset($aValue['Caption']) && $aValue['Caption'] ? $aValue['Caption'] : 'Profile Videos';  
                    $sAlbumTitle = !empty($aValue['Caption']) ? $aValue['Caption'] : 'Profile Videos';
                    // Sugestion finish
                    // Sugestion start
                    $sAlbumText = isset($aValue['Description']) && $aValue['Description'] ? $aValue['Description'] : ''; // Description migration
                    // Sugestion finish
                    $sQuery = $this -> _oDb -> prepare( 
                                    INSERT INTO
                                        `author`            = ?,
                                        `added`             = ?,
                                        `changed`           = ?,
                                        `thumb`             = 0,
                                        `title`             = ?,
                                        `allow_view_to`     = ?,
                                        `text`              = ?,
                                        `status_admin`      = ?
                                    $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(), 
                                    $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(), 
                                    $this -> getPrivacy($aValue['Owner'], (int)$aValue['AllowAlbumView'], 'videos', 'album_view'),
                                    // $aValue['Description'], //original code to be replace
                                    // Sugestion start
                                    // Sugestion finish
                                    $aValue['Status'] == 'active' ? 'active' : 'hidden'

    if you have beter solition add your sugestion from Videos 643 pnly 44 videos were transferred and most transfered are embed practcal is emty only some real videos have ben transfered i'm waiting to see if will be transcoded