Comment to Dolphin Migration Errors
Also i sugest to add the transferViews function, for the users is very important the content vievs:
// Sugestion start /** * Transfers the view count of a video. * @param int $iItemId original video ID * @param int $iNewID new video ID in UNA * @return boolean */ private function transferViews($iItemId, $iNewID) { // Get the view count from RayVideoFiles $aData = $this->_mDb->getRow("SELECT `Views` FROM `RayVideoFiles` WHERE `ID` = :id LIMIT 1", array('id' => $iItemId)); if (empty($aData)) return false; // Update the view count in bx_videos_entries $sQuery = $this->_oDb->prepare("UPDATE `bx_videos_entries` SET `views` = ? WHERE `id` = ?", $aData['Views'], $iNewID); return $this->_oDb->query($sQuery); } // Sugestion finish
// Sugestion start // Transfer the view count $this->transferViews((int)$aValue['ID'], $iVideoId); // Sugestion finish
so the file BxDolMVideos.php become:
defined('BX_DOL') or die('hack attempt'); /** * Copyright (c) UNA, Inc - * MIT License - * * @defgroup DolphinMigration Dolphin Migration * @ingroup UnaModules * * @{ */ require_once('BxDolMData.php'); bx_import('BxDolStorage'); class BxDolMVideos extends BxDolMData { private $_sVideoFilesPath; public function __construct(&$oMigrationModule, &$oDb) { parent::__construct($oMigrationModule, $oDb); $this -> _sModuleName = 'videos'; $this -> _sTableWithTransKey = 'bx_videos_entries'; $this -> _sVideoFilesPath = $this -> _oDb -> getExtraParam('root') . 'flash' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "files" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } public function getTotalRecords() { return $this -> _mDb -> getOne("SELECT SUM(`ObjCount`) as `obj` FROM `" . $this -> _oConfig -> _aMigrationModules[$this -> _sModuleName]['table_name_videos'] ."` WHERE `Type` = 'bx_videos' AND `Uri` <> 'Hidden'"); } public function runMigration() { if (!$this -> getTotalRecords()) { $this -> setResultStatus(_t('_bx_dolphin_migration_no_data_to_transfer')); return BX_MIG_SUCCESSFUL; } $sWhereCount = ''; if ($this -> _oConfig -> _bTransferEmpty) $sWhereCount = " AND `ObjCount` <> 0"; $this -> setResultStatus(_t('_bx_dolphin_migration_started_migration_videos')); $this -> createMIdField(); $aResult = $this -> _mDb -> getAll("SELECT * FROM `" . $this -> _oConfig -> _aMigrationModules[$this -> _sModuleName]['table_name_videos'] ."` WHERE `Type` = 'bx_videos' AND `Uri` <> 'Hidden' {$sWhereCount} ORDER BY `ID` ASC"); foreach($aResult as $iKey => $aValue) { $iProfileId = $this -> getProfileId((int)$aValue['Owner']); if (!$iProfileId) continue; $this -> migrateVideo($aValue['ID'], $iProfileId); } // set as finished;$this -> setResultStatus(_t('_bx_dolphin_migration_started_migration_videos_finished', $this -> _iTransferred)); return BX_MIG_SUCCESSFUL; } /** * Migrates all photo albums and users photos * @param int $iAlbumId original albums id * @param int $iProfileId una profile ID * @param int $iNewPhotoId created una Album * @return Integer */ private function migrateVideo($iAlbumId, $iProfileId){ $aResult = $this -> _mDb -> getAll("SELECT `m`.*, `a`.`AllowAlbumView`, `a`.`Status` as `admin_status`, `m`.`Status` as `status` FROM `sys_albums_objects` as `o` LEFT JOIN `sys_albums` as `a` ON `o`.`id_album` = `a`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `" . $this -> _oConfig -> _aMigrationModules[$this -> _sModuleName]['table_name'] ."` as `m` ON `o`.`id_object` = `m`.`ID` WHERE `o`.`id_album` = :album ORDER BY `o`.`id_object` ASC", array('album' => $iAlbumId)); $iTransferred = 0; foreach($aResult as $iKey => $aValue) { $iVideoId = $this -> isItemExisted($aValue['ID']); if ($iVideoId) continue; // Sugestion start// $sVideoTitle = $aValue['Title']; // original code$sVideoTitle = !empty($aValue['Title']) ? $aValue['Title'] : 'Untitled Video'; // Default title if missing// Sugestion finish// Sugestion start$sVideoText = !empty($aValue['Description']) ? $aValue['Description'] : 'No description available'; // Default description if missing// Sugestion finish $sQuery = $this -> _oDb -> prepare( " INSERT INTO `bx_videos_entries` SET `author` = ?, `added` = ?, `changed` = ?, `video` = 0, `title` = ?, `allow_view_to` = ?, `text` = ?, `status_admin` = ?, `status` = ?, `cat` = ? ", $iProfileId, $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(), $aValue['Date'] ? $aValue['Date'] : time(), $sVideoTitle, $this -> getPrivacy($aValue['Owner'], (int)$aValue['AllowAlbumView'], 'videos', 'album_view'), // $aValue['Description'], original code// Sugestion start$sVideoText, // Aici folosești descrierea din Dolphin// Sugestion finish$aValue['admin_status'] == 'active' ? 'active' : 'hidden', $aValue['status'] == 'approved' ? 'active' : 'hidden', $this -> transferCategory($aValue['Categories'], 'bx_videos', 'bx_videos_cats') ); $this -> _oDb -> query($sQuery); if ($iVideoId = $this -> _oDb -> lastId()) $this -> setMID($iVideoId, $aValue['ID']); elsecontinue; $sFileName = "{$aValue['ID']}.m4v"; $sVideoPath = $this -> _sVideoFilesPath . $sFileName; if (file_exists($sVideoPath)) { $oStorage = BxDolStorage::getObjectInstance('bx_videos_videos'); $iId = $oStorage -> storeFileFromPath($sVideoPath, false, $iProfileId, $iVideoId); if ($iId) { $this -> _iTransferred++; $this->transferTags((int)$aValue['ID'], $iId, $this -> _oConfig -> _aMigrationModules[$this -> _sModuleName]['type'], $this -> _oConfig -> _aMigrationModules[$this -> _sModuleName]['keywords']); $this->transferFavorites((int)$aValue['ID'], $iId); $this->transferSVotes((int)$aValue['ID'], $iId); // Sugestion start// Transfer the view count$this->transferViews((int)$aValue['ID'], $iVideoId); // Sugestion finish $this->_oDb->query("UPDATE `bx_videos_entries` SET `comments` = :comments, `video`=:video WHERE `id` = :id", array('id' => $iVideoId, 'video' => $iId, 'comments' => $this->transferComments($iVideoId, $aValue['ID'], 'videos'))); } } } return $iTransferred; } // Sugestion start/** * Transfers the view count of a video. * @param int $iItemId original video ID * @param int $iNewID new video ID in UNA * @return boolean */private function transferViews($iItemId, $iNewID) { // Get the view count from RayVideoFiles$aData = $this->_mDb->getRow("SELECT `Views` FROM `RayVideoFiles` WHERE `ID` = :id LIMIT 1", array('id' => $iItemId)); if (empty($aData)) return false; // Update the view count in bx_videos_entries$sQuery = $this->_oDb->prepare("UPDATE `bx_videos_entries` SET `views` = ? WHERE `id` = ?", $aData['Views'], $iNewID); return $this->_oDb->query($sQuery); } // Sugestion finish private function transferFavorites($iItemId, $iNewID){ $aData = $this->_mDb->getRow("SELECT * FROM `bx_videos_favorites` WHERE `ID`=:id LIMIT 1", array('id' => $iItemId)); if (empty($aData)) return false; $iProfileId = $this -> getProfileId((int)$aData['Profile']); if (!$iProfileId) return false; $sQuery = $this -> _oDb -> prepare("INSERT INTO `bx_videos_favorites_track` SET `object_id` = ?, `author_id` = ?, `date` = ?", $iNewID, $iProfileId, ($aData['Date'] ? $aData['Date'] : time())); return $this -> _oDb -> query($sQuery); } private function transferSVotes($iItemId, $iNewID){ $aData = $this->_mDb->getRow("SELECT * FROM `bx_videos_rating` WHERE `gal_id`=:id LIMIT 1", array('id' => $iItemId)); if (empty($aData)) return false; $sQuery = $this->_oDb->prepare("INSERT INTO `bx_videos_svotes` SET `object_id` = ?, `count` = ?, `sum` = ?", $iNewID, $aData['gal_rating_count'], $aData['gal_rating_sum']); $this->_oDb->query("UPDATE `bx_videos_entries` SET `svotes` = :votes WHERE `id` = :id", array('id' => $iItemId, 'votes' => $aData['gal_rating_count'])); return $this->_oDb->query($sQuery); } public function removeContent() { if (!$this -> _oDb -> isTableExists($this -> _sTableWithTransKey) || !$this -> _oDb -> isFieldExists($this -> _sTableWithTransKey, $this -> _sTransferFieldIdent)) return false; $aRecords = $this -> _oDb -> getAll("SELECT * FROM `{$this -> _sTableWithTransKey}` WHERE `{$this -> _sTransferFieldIdent}` !=0"); $iNumber = 0; if (!empty($aRecords)) { foreach($aRecords as $iKey => $aValue) { BxDolService::call('bx_videos', 'delete_entity', array($aValue['id'])); $iNumber++; } } parent::removeContent(); return $iNumber; } } /** @} */