Comment to UNA 10 Beta 1 Released
Trying on 2 servers. No luck. Get this in logs. I am not trying to update to 9.01 and Dashboard button says it is an update to UNA 10.
I have 3rd server I am not updating. I don't see an update log - I do see an update module log. Last successful update was 5/15 or so and after that an error - can't get a list of modules. It is a beta site with 500 users. I assume all there data will be lost updating the site. No one is going to lke that.
Every time I click the update button the same error is thrown in the log.
--------- 2019-06-25T15:02:01+00:00
9.0.0-9.0.1 upgrade will be applied
Files permissions are ok and can be overwritten
ERROR:Files copying failed