Comment to 'What happened when skipping upgrade?'
  • Hodor Hodor - You currently have version 9.0.0 so, you will first need to update to 9.0.1 first, then you can start going to the betas if that is what you choose to do. 

    Since you can see the B2 upgrade, that means your inc/classes/BxDolUpgrader.php file already has /beta/ in it. You will need to remove /beta/ to get to 9.0.1 first. 

    NOTE: Remember these are beta versions and there will be issues.. 

    • what issues? 

      • People are still testing Beta 2 so I cannot say myself. I also do not have a bunch of modules installed either. So far, I have found the issue with posting to the timeline using the United Post form but there is a workaround for that in the Beta 2 announcement by Andrew. They fixed the ones we reported for Beta 1 pretty quick. 

        Basically what I meant is, there "could" be issues with your site using these Betas. Especially if you have 3rd party modules and/or custom codes, etc. I personally am not having any critical issues that I have found so far but, that is just me. 

        • So live sites not recommended to update?