Comment to Currency sign in payment module
Hello. Currently (in case of UNA 13) currencies are stored in the DB. So, you need to execute the following queries:
For Core:
INSERT INTO `sys_form_pre_values`(`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`, `Data`) VALUES ('Currency', 'CZK', 1, '__CZK', '', 'a:1:{s:4:"sign";s:6:"A$";}');
Don't forget to correctly change serialized currency code in the last Data field and add translation for __CZK via Studio -> Polyglot.
For Payments module
INSERT INTO `sys_form_pre_values`(`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`) VALUES ('bx_payment_currencies', 'CZK', 7, 'CZK', 'code_for_CZK_like_$_for_USD');