Did you try to edit the oAuth and simply add the s on http://yoursite.com that way you don't have to issue new key.
I already had Chat+ working on https but my url ( keys & secrets ) at una.io was still http. I updated it to https at una.io and my chat stopped working.
I kinda understand. I hope they can post a fix so I will know too.
You can try to update Rocket.Chat settings directly in DB
1) login to your server via SSH
2) run the following command, so mongodb shell will be opened:
3) select current DB in the opened shell, the default db name is "rocketchat":
use rocketchat;
4) run the following queries to update settings, make sure to replace FULL-URL-TO-UNA-SITE (starting with http:// or https://), YOUR-KEY & YOUR-SECRET with your actual values
db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id": "Accounts_OAuth_UNA_URL"}, { $set: {"value": "FULL-URL-TO-UNA-SITE", "meteorSettingsValue": "FULL-URL-TO-UNA-SITE"}}); db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id": "Accounts_OAuth_UNA_id"}, { $set: {"value": "YOUR-KEY", "meteorSettingsValue": "YOUR-KEY"}}); db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id": "Accounts_OAuth_UNA_secret"}, { $set: {"value": "YOUR-SECRET", "meteorSettingsValue": "YOUR-SECRET"}});
As the result you should see something like this: "WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })"
It maybe Rocket.Chat restart will be required.