I think I’ve read this post but will go back and read it again
my question thou is in both forms
- New Post to personal timeline
- Nee Post to public timeline
the Visibility field has a Public option you can select which seems confusing But I suspect this means something like this when selected
- Friends = Post is viewable by my friends only
- Public = Post is viewable by my Friends & followers
If that’s the case why does it say Public & not Followers ?
I thought Public meant every site member (even if they are not. Friend/Follower) can vie en the post but that’s not what I’m seeing.
On my site, on home page, i have it set that users can make only public post. On individual profiles i give the option to share with friends, public, groups etc....
I do know that there are two different posting blocks and they are different. There is a thread here explaining in a more detailed way.
Yes, Will Monte , seems you mean this comment from Andrew. Did you check it, dear r00nster ?