You can try to fix it manually by going to Studio > Developer > Forms > Data Items > System > Reactions
Then edit each item, by entering proper emoji for each row, please don't break PHP serialized string formatting, like this:
I've got it!!! Thank you a lot Alex!
On my site I was missing that small image from this code... there was ? mark instead of image...for all reactions. And my code looked a bit different (took the code from una13b4 and pasted it to current rc2) :
a:5:{s:5:"emoji";s:4:"?";s:4:"icon";s:0:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-gray";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";s:7:"default";s:9:"thumbs-up";}
instead of
a:5:{s:5:"emoji";s:4:"👍";s:4:"icon";s:0:"";s:5:"color";s:20:"sys-colored col-gray";s:6:"weight";s:1:"1";s:7:"default";s:9:"thumbs-up";}
Now it is working as supposed to. Thank You Alex for your directions!!!!