Comment to '14.0.0-B2 visualization error in the developer app fresh install'
  • chat-gpt:

    ### Handling `@import` Issues in `common.less`

    #### Problem

    You have a `common.less` file with:


    @import '../../../template/css/common.css';

    @import (reference) 'default.less';

     * Overwrite default styles


    /* body */

    a {

      color: rgba(30, 140, 240, 1); 


    a:hover {

      color: rgba(10, 120, 220, 1); 



    .sys-icon-a {

      color: rgba(30, 140, 240, 1);



    The issue is that the CSS import and Less import are not handled correctly, leading to `@import` rules being ignored or misordered.

    #### Solution

    1. **Compile Less First:**

      Ensure that `common.less` is compiled to CSS before any concatenation occurs. This ensures the `@import` statements are processed correctly.

    2. **Process Imports Properly:**

      Import CSS files at the top of your Less file and ensure that Less files are referenced correctly.

    3. **Check Final Output:**

      Verify that the final CSS file correctly includes imports and that all styles are applied as expected.

    ### Summary

    - **Compile** `common.less` to CSS before processing.

    - **Ensure imports** are correctly handled in the final output.

    - **Inspect final CSS** to verify correct import placement and style application.