Comment to 'Pull to refresh'
Comment to Pull to refresh
  • Thank you @Billy for sharing the code.

     Side note, the PWA needs the ability to add the site's logo to the loading screen.

    Actually when you upload site icons in Studio > Designer > Site icon and hit "Submit" it sets icon in Manifest file which is used for PWA, so please make sure that you specified images for all all fields in the Designer > Site icon

    • Yes, I have that set up. Unfortunately, Apple still wants to do things a little differently. Apple looks for a start up splash screen.

      Here’s a forum talking a little about it.

      And this is a generator:

      The key seems to be ensuring there is: apple-touch-startup-image link 

      It sounds like it’s a pain because there has to be one image per device size… but, maybe UNA could pick the top three or four sizes and that could be good enough.

      The experience now isn’t awful, it’s a blank screen as the site loads. But, it feels more like an app when you see the splash icon screen first.

      Good old Apple/iOS insisting on doing things differently.


      My UNA site loading:


      Another site of mine loading that uses a different CMS:
