Hi all!
So let's review the existing "Info" block has the value of service method as 'entity_info'. It means that BxPersonsModule class has the method serviceEntityInfo which "draws" this block. This method is declared in the parent BxBaseModGeneralModule class and has the following view:
public function serviceEntityInfo ($iContentId = 0, $sDisplay = false)
return $this->_serviceEntityForm ('viewDataForm', $iContentId, $sDisplay);
The code of method _serviceEntityForm:
protected function _serviceEntityForm ($sFormMethod, $iContentId = 0, $sDisplay = false, $sCheckFunction = false, $bErrorMsg = true)
$iContentId = $this->_getContent($iContentId, false);
if($iContentId === false)
return false;
bx_import('FormsEntryHelper', $this->_aModule);
$sClass = $this->_aModule['class_prefix'] . 'FormsEntryHelper';
$oFormsHelper = new $sClass($this);
return $oFormsHelper->$sFormMethod((int)$iContentId, $sDisplay, $sCheckFunction, $bErrorMsg);
So it means that it will load the ViewDataForm method of BxPersonsFormsEntryHelper class which has the following code (in the parent class BxBaseModGeneralFormsEntryHelper):
public function viewDataForm ($iContentId, $sDisplay = false)
$CNF = &$this->_oModule->_oConfig->CNF;
// get content data and profile info
list ($oProfile, $aContentInfo) = $this->_getProfileAndContentData($iContentId);
if (!$aContentInfo)
return MsgBox(_t('_sys_txt_error_entry_is_not_defined'));
// check access
if ($sMsg = $this->_processPermissionsCheckForViewDataForm ($aContentInfo, $oProfile))
return MsgBox($sMsg);
// get form
$oForm = $this->getObjectFormView($sDisplay);
if (!$oForm)
return MsgBox(_t('_sys_txt_error_occured'));
// process metatags
if (!empty($CNF['OBJECT_METATAGS'])) {
$oMetatags = BxDolMetatags::getObjectInstance($CNF['OBJECT_METATAGS']);
if ($oMetatags->keywordsIsEnabled()) {
$aFields = $oMetatags->metaFields($aContentInfo, $CNF, $CNF['OBJECT_FORM_ENTRY_DISPLAY_VIEW']);
$oForm->setMetatagsKeywordsData($iContentId, $aFields, $oMetatags);
// display profile
return $oForm->getCode();
So, in the BxPersonsModule class, you may create a new method like serviceEntityInfoAdv (and call it in the block like 'entity_info_adv') which may combine the code from the given methods. So there you may define the list of necessary fields and remove it from $aContentInfo array.