Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • Good business comes from a collaboration of many. Especially when the payroll is a separated situation. It should have taken more then one, two or even three complaints from users to ban a dev. Before ever thinking of banning, there should have been an opportunity to try to resolve. And then even before that, take a look at contributions made by the Dev's, as well as the impact it will/could have by removing them. This was an issue that seemed to have migrated over from Dolphin. What UNA is not seeing is the impact it places on themselves. Its a habit that seems to have followed them.

    I could maybe see this action placed against Jerome Mingo, if he had only contributed an unstable single script/App. But the man contributes about 70-85% of the apps on UNA. And has a very solid and stable support system to back it.

    What damages and unstable sites that may be harmed, by actions to a single persons complaint seems to be a high risk. This could be a pivotal point for UNA, and where the future of many sites may be in the future. Its a gamble, and the one losing is the personal site admins and owners....