Comment to 'Still waiting on answer on Jerome Mingo and why he and his APPS were abruptly removed....'
  • I was dealing with MSolutions for close to 3 months with no answer. Almost same situation. I was having an issue when updates were applied on UNA Script, but could not contact MSolutions to resolve the issues that were created after UNA update. My site was so messed up, it wasn't even funny. Jerome Mingo jumped in to try to help me, but couldn't figure out what was causing the issues, but did find that it was MSolutions apps. I dealt with UNA team support, but weeks would go by before any answer. They refused to get involved, or help in the matter.

    I have noticed that when you have issues here, and it becomes an issue for UNA, they tend to ignore you. Therefore, creating further issues for site owners. At one point Jerome Mingo found issues within the script for UNA, so I reached out to get them to address the never fixed issues, and they blamed others and never investigated my issue.

    It was a big wakeup call for me at that point...