I think I've solved all my Collation problems.
Now with the final reason for fixing it; to update my albums module. It has not shown active in the Studio, it has not worked for years.
With all that done to fix the collation errors, this is the database error when trying to "activate" the albums module, I get this message.
Database error in Man of Teal | An OpenRCT2 Community
INSERT INTO `bx_timeline_handlers` SET `group`=?, `type`=?, `alert_unit`=?, `alert_action`=?, `content`=?, `privacy`=?Mysql error:
Duplicate entry 'bx_albums-added' for key 'alert'Location:
The error was found in query function in the file /home/manofteal/public_html/modules/base/notifications/classes/BxBaseModNotificationsDb.php at line 76.collation_connection:
Hello Michael Newton !
Great that you solved the collation problem. About your albums issue, you may apply this solution https://una.io/page/cmts-view?sys=bx_forum&id=6383&cmt_id=29255 just use there the "bx_albums" word instead of "bx_ads".
Hello Michael Newton !
Great that you solved the collation problem. About your albums issue, you may apply this solution https://una.io/page/cmts-view?sys=bx_forum&id=6383&cmt_id=29255 just use there the "bx_albums" word instead of "bx_ads".
That did the trick! LeonidS, thank you! After all these years!