Comment to 'Pro Apps for Free?'
  • good, Great people, great goals: Everyone can create SNS apps (instant messaging, videos, photos, etc.)

    Unacms Pro apps are too expensive.

    Plan -->The annual expenses paid are unaffordable for many people

    10 website owners x $490 x 12=58800

    Small profits can lead to high sales.

    10000 website owners x $10 x 12=120000

    Download Plugin - Free

    Attracting website owners to use UNACMS to build websites. The increasing number of website owners leads to greater profits.

    Free to use, can provide a better experience (unclear text description).

    Free use can better protect consumer rights. Avoid buying plugins that have many bugs.

    Free to use, website owners can start from the same starting line.

    For example, A's website features Photos and Videos, while B's website does not.

    Operation of B:

    1. Pay to purchase Photos and Videos

    2. Closing one's own website (losing confidence)

    3. Wait for the website to make a profit before making a purchase (lack of competitiveness, the website will soon shut down)

    4. Choose other CMS and build your own website

    Upgrade plugin - paid

    Example: Video plugin

    All developers are developing this plugin, only this one, and there are no other video plugins. Focusing on a plugin is essential for iterating into a super powerful plugin.

    Only super powerful features can attract Facebook users.

    Each plugin plan: basic features (free), professional features (installation cost+upgrade cost)

    Basic function: We use Unacms to generate rich content. (Publishing videos, managing, reviewing, etc.)

    Professional function: Website owners convert content into money. (commission based on playback volume, paid playback, etc.)

    Unacms has 100000 website owners.

    Each person pays $1 for each plugin upgrade, totaling $100000.

    This $100000 is for developing video plugins.

    1. Pay the developer responsible for the upgrade this time.

    His hourly salary x hours=salary

    2. The official reviews the developer's code and pays the corresponding fees to the official.

    Code specifications, code security, plugin testing, etc

    3. Official planning fees.

    The video plugin needs to plan out its main functions. What functions need to be developed next.

    Next step: Hire developers to develop this feature

    4. Official miscellaneous expenses (server, personnel expenses)


    $100000 will be mostly used for development (over 90% will be used for development)

    I have written a lot of words.😀

    😏If I use the unacms Pro APP for free (I can use all paid functions for free in the future), I will provide more suggestions.