I would suggest you to try to specify patch to MySQL socket directly in UNA inc/header.inc.php file or specify it during UNA installation.
Hi I have managed to solve this issue thanks to your guidance, however after I have managed to start up the app and login I realised that I am unable to upload any picture or video during the creation of the post at the public timeline. Is there a particular configuration or settings that I am required to change to allow the uploading? It mentioned Oops an error occured with xx.png file: error occured. May I know what is the issue with this?
This is what I have included in my php.ini
echo "memory_limit=192M \n\ post_max_size=100M \n\ upload_max_filesize=100M \n\ error_log=/var/www/php_error.log \n\ error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT \n\ display_errors=Off \n\ log_errors=On \n\ sendmail_path=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i \n\ date.timezone=UTC" > /var/www/php.ini
Is there any other configuration that I am missing or not done to cause this Oops an error occured with xx.png file: error occured error?