going to
i select filter persons, edit person view If I want to click on the edit field "skills" button in developer, it does not open, I cannot see what is in it. I can modify the other fields or view them, but I think this one has a problem somewhere in the database or in the code. Also from filter Full viev person the field skills edit buton dont open any window. in the db
SELECT * FROM `bx_persons_skills`
MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0001 seconds.)
skill_id skill_name content_id
This is how the tables with the three columns look.
i i add from the profile edit skill Arhitect i wil have this valuie in the table t
SELECT * FROM `bx_persons_skills`
6 Architect 1
so the problem is in the code somewhere., the skill go in the table