The problem with UNA is that they work unprofessionally. They release a bugy product and relay on our feedback for the next beta "hot fix" release, then systematically Alex T⚜️ open an issue on github saying thank for your report and it goes on and on. It happens every time a new UNA version arrive, this bugs breaks the site make our users go away and don't return making us lose money.
UNA code base is ancient in a manner of programing and rather develope own components they use 3rd party open source products which some has been decapitated, also this makes the site "clunky".
They are always in a rush and hurry for more things mostly copied from other platforms like spaces from quara, timeline from Facebook also messenger, reactions etc.
The so called "native app" is just an empty frame loaded with the original website.
So while Andrew Boon Says every time we are faster, stronger, smarter its is just a marketing move, nothing really changed.
Hope you make UNA better next time for good.
P.S app vendors products also bugy and not regulated. Some are selling bad products and don't returns to messages.