Comment to 'page link Bug'
Comment to page link Bug
  • Hello 

    Each page should have unique URL. URL is autogenerated from page title which you've specified during page creation. So, if you are trying to create a page with title similar to the title of existing page, the script automatically adds current date to make the URL unique. So, if you create pages with different titles then you won't see dates in page URLS.

    Best Regards

    • Okay - But that is not the case. I dont create pages with the same names. I am very anal with that sort of thing. In this case I was adding pages of different species of mammals. Each species I entered (which cant possibly be in conflict with any other page name), is unique.
      How about an Error Message saying [ There is already a page called [ elephants.php ] . Please enter a unique name ] ?
      If I have pages that would have the same name, I would enter where they belong, such as [ african_elephant.php ], [ asian_elephant.php ] and not attempt to do two pages called [ elephants.php ]. Correct and unique file names are important to be able to navigate around in a structure.

      • Hello Pethol!

        We consider that every change in the name of a new page generates a new URL of it and if this URL already exists - then you may see this "addon" like "2019-01-18 "

        • Fixed it, but thanks...