Comment to 'Image transcoder error 14.0.0-DEV4'
  • IInstalling the application as it is from that zip in a single server makes no sense. If this application is not in the cloud, the server will crash soon when more users enter. I will test the version 14.0.0-A3 from github but It seems you didn't read the post, there are also details about cronjobs, the application was installed as it is from github with all containers from docker-compose, I only made a small change in nginx config file because I use nginx as a proxy and caddy as a reverse proxy, and php.ini increasing memory and i add my network to the doker-compose file and .env file with my server variable. I only use docker for my apps in my k8 cluster, so cronjobs works perfectly there in a post is a server audit details from Studio->Dashboard->Server audit area (but it is possible that the cronjob container is not working correctly, I will check and possibly add a new user with sudo permissions):

    Last cron jobs execution - 20 Apr 2024 10:58:01 pm