Found the references but I still don't get.
I click albums on the Space's submenu - that brings up slider of the images - click on an image https://www.wildandrunningfree.com/page/view-album-media?id=55 -
Now on this page I want to add a block for Posted In - just like the block Posted In for the view Album page.
https://www.wildandrunningfree.com/page/view-album?id=7 (Album > View Image).
The block on the View Album Page has this code
array (
'module' => 'bx_albums',
'method' => 'entity_context',
So I tried this and various permutations - but no luck.
array (
'module' => 'bx_albums',
'method' => 'entity_context',
'params' =>
array (
0 => '{profile_id}',
1 =>
array (
'empty_message' => true,
Documentation has this
BxBaseModTextModule::serviceBrowseUpdated ( $sUnitView = false, $bEmptyMessage = true, $bAjaxPaginate = true ) I also see a reference to profile_id and content_id (it that is the way it is written)
It is a single image - no pagination . - only code reference to pagenation is
'per_page' => 'bx_albums_per_page_profile',
Not for sure about unit_view -
Any advice because I am lost.