Comment to 'Restricting access to only registered and logged-in members'
  • Studio > Designer > Splash   this way u can go too but than u have no header and footer and people can´t change languages ectt.... ;)

    • or send me ur access and and i take a look fast ;)

      • Hi ==[N]== 

        I've managed to solve my earlier problem with saving. The splash area shows up for unauthenticated users on the Home Page only now though.

        I'd like to continue and disable these pages for unauthenticated users:

        People, Discussions, File, Groups, Polls, Chat.

        When I go to Studio > Pages > Discussions I see the 'Select Page..' dropdown. Should I go through all of them and untick unauthenticated for every option on each page. There seems to be a lot of pages and each page has lots of sub-options to select and disable unauthenticated. It seems a long-winded way. Am I missing a trick here for protecting these other pages? if there an easier way for each page? I don't want to test it until I know the best way.
