Comment to 'Replies block "Insert"'
  • Hello Will Monte !

    Thank you for the detailed video. Yes, I noticed this trouble. It relates to the Froala troubles. But it's easy to pass it:

    1) You may focus on the last available field and press "Tab". Then the "Insert" button will appear.

    2) You may press "Enter" several times in the body of comment before posting to expand the available text box. In this case, available space will be enough to show the Insert button too.

    3) Press "Enter" after the pasting link.


    • Hello Will Monte !

      Thank you for the detailed video. Yes, I noticed this trouble. It relates to the Froala troubles. But it's easy to pass it:

      1) You may focus on the last available field and press "Tab". Then the "Insert" button will appear.

      2) You may press "Enter" several times in the body of comment before posting to expand the available text box. In this case, available space will be enough to show the Insert button too.

      3) Press "Enter" after the pasting link.


      Ok, but can you please fix this bug, i can't sit in front of my computer all day and explain this to users, i'm not attacking you, but please fix this in next upgrade,

      • Sorry, but this trouble relates to Froala. You may increase the min-height CSS parameter value for .fr-element CSS class. The default value is 60px, so you may try to increase it to 100 via the Custom Styles area of your template.