Comment to '[Resolved] What is the proper way or guide of upgrading an existing UNA 9.0 to UNA 10.1 while maintaining studio configurations from UNA 9.0'
  • Please check PHP error log for any errors or warnings at the time when you are trying top update your site

    • May I know where would I be able to locate the error log file etc or how can I view any error messages. What happened first was they warned me that there are files that has been modified thus update is unable to occur, after which I have went to settings and enabled force update. It then led to after the button is being press nothing happened and there is constantly a circle spinning with no error messages or indication of progress of update. I have also ran the modified cron.bat files multiple times but it still doesn't work
      Methods that I have attempted:
      1. View from xampp at Logs>PHP(php_error_logs)
      2. Using ctrl+shift+i on google chrome after clicking update

      • If you mentioned Xampp then there usually error log can be found in xampp\apache\logs\error.log (Windows version)