Comment to '[Resolved] What is the proper way or guide of upgrading an existing UNA 9.0 to UNA 10.1 while maintaining studio configurations from UNA 9.0'
  • You mention an upgrade button. I have never seen that even though there has been a release since the one that is currently installed 12.0.0, crons are enabled, and both upgrade automatically and force upgrade are ticked in settings. What other option do i have to upgrade other than reinstalling from scratch? This would help because i am receiving a lot of deprecation errors and such possibly due to outdated scripts. Thanks.

    • Server audit confirms proper allow_url_fopen parameter and same key and pair in my account is also showing in site settings page. I will provide studio access details in messenger as suggested as after creating a new key pair and clearing cache it still does not show the upgrade button. Also, auto update tick box seems to disable itself after a few hours for some reason even though I re-check it and save.  Perhaps one of the bx files is overwriting that during an update check? 

      • UPDATE: the deal was in the "beta" channel, which was set in the Studio->Developer app. After switching it to the "stable" ut has appeared.

        • Thank you that did the trick! Great find.