Comment to 'old dolphin 7 vs una new site dec 2018'
  • English:

    Hello LeonidS,
    I also bought 3 Dolphin.Pro licenses back then.
    And haven't gotten a response from you yet.
    Except the last email from you on Thursday (July 4th, 2024) with the subject:
    Email begin:
    Subject: Re: WG: Dolphin.Pro to Una License
    Sorry but I couldn't find the previous letter from that email. Could you please specify your problem again?
    With best regards, LeonidS
    Email end
    I think there are a lot of people who feel the same way as me. They put a lot of money into mods and licenses back then. Who would like to continue. 
    I ask for an answer. Thanks


    Hallo LeonidS,

    Auch ich habe 3 Dolphin.Pro Licenses damals gekauft.

    Und bis jetzt keine Antwort von euch bekommen.

    Ausser die letzte email vom Donnerstag (04.07.2024) von dir mit dem Betreff:

    Mail begin:

    Betreff: Re: WG: Dolphin.Pro to Una Licence


    Sorry but I couldn't find the previous letter from that email. Could you please specify your problem again?

    With best regards, LeonidS

    Mail end

    Ich denke es gibts ehr viele Personen denen es genauso geht wie mir. Die Damals viel Geld in Mods und Lizenzen gesteckt haben. Die gerne weitermachen würden.

    Ich bitte um Antwort. Danke