Comment to 'Blank page on front end after login / Studio showing fine'
  • Hi Leonid

    I have tried that but something is messed up with the module. It shows that there is update. If I update, it disappear for a moment but it comes back again and shows update button again.

    I tried to deactivate the modul and delete it. I got notification about deleting all the data, I confirm and nothing happens. Icon is dimmed now, but still shows in launcher and has small "X" in the corner.

    Also in the App Store, under downloaded, it still shows and "Installed" .... /sigh

    • > If I update, it disappear for a moment but it comes back again and shows update button again.

      Yes, it's correct - you need to keep to press the UPdate button untill the modules list there will be empty.

      If you still has the problem there, PM me with your UNA studio and access.