Hello @Alex T⚜️ ,
thanks for your reply and the note about the revision number. We were able to reproduce that the cache_public is rebuilt by changing the revision number. This can either be done manually or the revision number changes automatically when you enable or install a module.
And of course the cache_public is cleared when you click on the corresponding clear cache links in the Studio Dashboard. 🙂
We have found another trigger in the cronjobs. In the BxDolCronPruning class, the cache_public folder is also selected in the cleanTmpFolders function to remove cached LESS, CSS and JS files. As this CronJob runs once a night, the above-mentioned files are removed every night by specifying '3600' in the $aDirsToClean array.
Is it possible to leave the LESS, CSS and JS files in the cache for longer, as they rarely change, at least in our installation, and if they do you can also trigger the cache cleanup manually. If we increase the value '3600' to e.g. '2592000', will this have any side effects?