the reason my laptop sucks is because it's a 512gb 4,800 rpm magnetic media, LOL.. with 4gb of ram, and a 2 core i5... the bus sucks, and you really feel it with the seek/write speed.. it can only do about 2.5mpbs from video framebuffer to disk before it starts really getting confused or upset. you try to redraw the window on a media heavy java script thing it just goes straight to hell. :) a simple laptop upgrade will fix that, but i havent gotten it onto my priority tree yet, i do most of my computing "thin" via an ipad pro 12.9.
yes, the server is assuredly not mint haahhahahaha.. yeah mine is a 16gig 12 core intel box, and well, its fast. but i just need a new laptop Hahaha.-
well, where it really shines is if you for some reason need the ability to run a windowed application, and or feel a need to or want to, but with the absolute minimal crap possible to make it run.
you install square tiles and can put them along the edge of the screen in order you choose, set the single or double click to launch, right click them for other options, i think the entire thing weighs in at under 16 megabytes.. it's pretty epically brilliant..
one could think of it as a framebuffer to run xterm inside of, but nearly as responsive as a native TTY VT100 terminal.. no bloat.
as the young hoolingans say, 'fa'sho.' hahahaha. but yeah its rad. i've used it for years. it is the fastest window manager, hands down, minus like that other one that doesn't do much by modern standards, i forget the name, but oh rat something.. super old