Comment to 'Changes in Studio go live immediately. Any way to do changes "in background" and update only later?'
  • Thank you @LeonidS, that sounds like a fair solution!

    So, just to clarify, if I want to make an unpublished change:

    1. Create a subfolder, and copy all files there
    2. Go to www . xxx . com / subfolder / studio and do changes there
    3. See the effect of the changes on www . xxx . com / subfolder
    4. If I am happy with those changes and want to roll out an update, copy and overwrite all files from subfolder to main folder.
    5. Delete subfolder.

    Is that correct? If yes, I still have some questions:

    • Would all the encryptions, una keys etc work in the subfolder? I assume new app installations would not work.
    • Are there any changes that affect the database and not the code? If yes, I assume those would go live immediately.

    Thanks for your help!!