A few Suggestions/Questions!

Hi! I've been using the platform for a month or so now, and am about to release my website, here's some small questions I have about current features and/or the posibility for these to be considered for future updates!
First, one feature I would love to have as soon as possible would be when uploading content(Photos, Posts, ect..) have a: "Tag Content as Explicit" and have a setting in the user's setting which is a checkbox: "Hide Explicit Content". That would make it a lot easier to get people who are more interested in more safe, and less gross or worrysome topics(Like a member detailing their time in the hospital(With Pictures D:) or other such things) from showing up in their feed. I don't believe there's that sort of "Check upon upload/creation to mark as Explicit" and an opt-in checkbox(or opt-out) in the user's settings.
Second, I was wondering when uploading images via the "Photos" module, is there a way to enable descriptions to be set at the same time? It is somewhat bothersome to have to upload first, edit second the image which was uploaded. It would be rather helpful to have the description available when uploading so users don't have to upload in 2 steps.
Third and final suggestion, another helpful feature would be the ability to change the icons in the timeline feed for the content type. The icons which appear to the left/middle when on PC. I don't believe there's a way to change it other then via replacing the CSS somewhere in the code. It would be nice being able to change the icons via Studio!

Thanks for reading, I hope some of these can already be done but I doubt so, if not I'd love these to be considered for the future! Thanks again for the amazing platform!

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