Ads Module - Studio: Manage Apps - Inactive/Delete
I could be close in solving my overall site server problems, hopefully
I picked up problems with my Ads module when creating an ad that was not visible at all, only added as a number in categories : eComNet Subscriptions (1).
I decided in studio from my menu top right "Manage Apps" to deactivate "Ads" and deleted thereafter. All went well and it was removed from studio. k
Now, going to my AppStore it still show listed with the status "Installed", so I check on my server whether it was removed from the modules/boonex/ads directory and there it was still sitting there.
This could be related to my Groups Module problem and will reference the previous entry to this one since it open doors for new troubleshooting as a starting point. I though that I caused it, but we have new evidence pointing to a general system problem under beneath.
Why did the system not remove modules/boonex/ads and could we still have reference of ads in the database.
- · Chris Andre Buys
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Please bare in mind that I initially reported my upgrade/update issue and that I don't have visible of the update button for manual updates : see pic..
- · Chris Andre Buys
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I will close the other forum entries relating to these problem so we can focus here. @LeonidS solved I think one of most fundamental concerns so far which give me the go ahead implementing "Business Listings" together with "Paid Levels"...
Hello @Chris Andre Buys !
You may try to delete "undeleted" app with that way
K, thanks will check it out just now. I've got some over at my place quickly. Thanks man...
Took a while, sorry...
Okay!!! You've given me this solution before but since there were new development's in terms of new issues, I had to make sure following the sequence, even if it had to mean repeat my question and follow the same trail with new evidence produced.
I will do the above just to make sure entries are removed from the database, secondly.. I will delete the /modules/boonex/ entry of ads in this case.
Still, my question remain, I deactivated/deleted ads from studio, but still it remains in the /module/boonex/ads folder. What went wrong or did not execute to remove the last bit in the /modules/boonex/ folder.
After the finish actions mentioned by me you may leave this folder or delete it via Studio->Apps Market.
- · Chris Andre Buys
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@LeonidS After running the scripts, I downloaded Ads, same as Groups from StoreFront, but when I go my AppStore Ads appeared as if I Installed it already, same as Groups. The status show "Installed". And to add, the scripts processed(Disable and Deleted 0 records)meaning Studio did indeed disabled and deleted the records accordingly.
Log files, which log file will help us determine the cause? Also, no entry in database, boonex folder but when download, the module(Ads)shows Installed instead "Downloaded ready to be install".
Okay, Groups is now excused from the problem as it seems more like general problem across modules should I disable/delete.
Ag, but thanks so far.... The upgrade log showed new entries in a very long time, which is good... I hope it solve the problem in the meanwhile... otherwise we gotto keep digging
- · Chris Andre Buys
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@LeonidS Please take note of the following: Seeing this kind of email, gives me hope knowing my UNA platform might just sort himself out. I will monitor the upgrade log file and I do notice minor enhancements or changes in Studio etc.
- · Chris Andre Buys
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@LeonidS ... Don't say I am crazy.... My site at the moment serves no one really. Will I be crazy to rebuild it on the foundation of Spacenook(Messenger together with some other modules feature in it, hell know, how could I overlooked it). What are the chances and really to put in some effort to get my historical data like posts, and only for the publish date etc.
I've come a long way with this site and I know there is many scripts and code that I've used and tried, never to get rid of... bad practice I know, but I never really had a demo site....--- why not start fresh, now that I've concluded---
I started of by playing with UNA never to know how much I will love it... IF YOU SAY NO< Disregard THIS AND FALL BACK TO THE PREVIOUS ENTRY
(I get to much sometime I know, sorry)