After update UNA to 14.0.0-B1 an error occurred

After update UNA to 14.0.0-B1 an error occurred, now I get 50-60 emails per minute about the error, how to solve this problem?


Database error in Katolička društvena mreža


SELECT `tf2e`.*, `tf`.`file_name` AS `file_name`, `tf`.`mime_type` AS `mime_type`, `tf`.`size` AS `size`, `tf`.`dimensions` AS `dimensions` FROM `sys_cmts_images2entries` AS `tf2e` LEFT JOIN `bx_forum_files` AS `tf` ON (`tf2e`.`image_id` = `tf`.`id`) WHERE 1 AND `tf2e`.`system_id` = :system_id AND `tf2e`.`cmt_id` = :cmt_id

Mysql error:

Unknown column 'tf.dimensions' in 'field list'




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