Decorus theme install

Hello All,

I just purchased the Decorus theme but when I try to download it it says it`s not compatible with my version of una, I am currently running on version 12.1 can anyone assist?

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Replies (3)
    • I see the default download from Studio, for decorous template is already set to una 13 Alpha version, but since you are using the stable una version 12.1, it will give you the error "The package isn't compatible with your UNA version".

      What you can do is to manually download the correct template version for UNA 12.1 here from the market: unzip it, upload it to modules > boonex and then go to your Studio > Apps Market >Downloaded tab, and Install it from there. That is one way i know...


      • Hey Jose,

        It is not giving me an option to download anything other than the version 13 with that link, do you have an alternate link for the 12.1 download?

        • Click on the dots > upper right corner to show older downloads.

          Or try the direct template link to download template 12.0.3.


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