Error 500 handler and Error logs.

Hi Andrew Boon  | Mark P 

As you may Know (If you did read the forum recently and/or got support requests because of my modules), I have been having some troubles with UNA cloud members, I been trying to my best to fix the issues, released updates to solve this issue and make sure that it won't happen again.

Now this is my suggestion for features to add into the core, in case there is more developers whose are in my position in future modules:

  1. Error 500 handling, if a module gives error 500, it should be auto-disabled if it is working on a production server. I remember that WordPress does this, so I think this is very much needed, specially for UNA cloud customers whose have to wait until the support is connected to help on the issue because they do not have access to the server. Here is a hint to start with:
  2. Add opt-in setting to auto-email the errors to the module's developer, this way we as developers can fix everything faster for our customers and they will be happier.

I know we can always run lots of tests before releasing a module or update, but we are humans and we make honest mistakes, so I think this 2 features would save plenty of time and resources to your UNA Cloud support, us as third party developers and our customers will be delivered faster fixes.


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Replies (2)
    • Hi MSolutions = thanks for your feedback, and efforts to resolve the issues. Alex T⚜️ - can you please review these suggestions?

      • Thank you for the suggestions.

        1. When module is disabled then many settings are reset, so I think it isn't correct to deactivate module automatically.

        2. We will add ability to see error logs in UNA cloud to make it more easy to debug such issues.

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