Fastcgi Caching

I'm running UNA on Nginx and I'm struggling with my app performance. very long latency before the page starts downloading. I'm trying to enable Fastcgi caching to improve php-fpm performance. What are the best settings?
I found this tutorial on implementing Fastcgi Caching for WordPress:

can UNA team help us with the best settings for UNA, please !

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Replies (2)
    • Alex T⚜️ can you help with this please?

      • On we use php-fpm as well, so you can see what is the performance here. How long is latency on your site. We noticed some major things which affect performance:

        - PHP 7 is much faster than PHP 5
        - PHP Opcache improve speed significantly
        - enabling UNA cache for js/css files is also important for the speed
        - it's better to have SSD over HDD disk

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