Groups Capability Questions

I'm building a site that will rely mainly on the Groups module and there are some clarifications I would like to know.

  1. Is it possible for the Groups content (Timeline, Discussions) to be visible by guests (users who are not logged-in)?
  2. Is it possible to add a custom page to a Group? For instance this group: I would like to add a "Rules" link in the menu (after Discussions) and this would point to a custom page that would open inside this Group.
  3. Can the content details (Timeline, Posts, Discussions), i.e. be open within the Group? Meaning that when I view that timeline, there will still be a group header and group menus above it.
  4. Is it possible to only have the Groups as the Visibilty selection when adding content? Meaning removing the Public, Friends, etc. in the Visibility.
  5. Is it possible for new members to automatically joined all or certain Groups?

#3 is somewhat related to #2 because I can make a page and have link to but then when I open that page, it is not within the Group page.

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