How do I create new actions or new set of actions for permissions?

Dear developers,

May I know where would I be able to add new actions for the permissions module via the UNA studio as I do not see any option or buttons to add new actions for permissions. In addition, if this is only achievable via the changing of codes, may I know where are the related files pertaining to this located in the project so that I would be able to make amendments to it.

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Replies (2)
    • Hello zhalkiar !

      If you need to create a new action which is missing in the ready UNA 's code you need to perform the following actions:

      1) add in your code the calling of the function checkActionModule from the inc/classes/BxDolAcl.php file where need to pass item id (profile or entry), name of the action (like 'view entry') and name of the module (use the $this->getName() method calling) it will look like:

      $aCheck = checkActionModule($this->_iProfileId, 'allow view', $this->getName(), $isPerformAction);


      // code of allowed action


      2) add the record about this action to the sys_acl_actions table, for the given example it will look like:

      INSERT INTO `sys_acl_actions` (`Module`, `Name`, `AdditionalParamName`, `Title`, `Desc`, `Countable`, `DisabledForLevels`) VALUES

      ('{module name}', '{action name [this name will be added to the allow prefix ] }', NULL, '{the language key of the title}', '', 1, 0);

      SET @iIdActionProfileView = LAST_INSERT_ID();

      • Thank you! I will give this a shot

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