Member approval


For the site I want to make, I need to be able to approve members with a government ID or similar.

Members should have no access to the site (or maybe just their profile/landing pages) until they have been approved.

What would be smoothest way to go about this? I've thought about putting a photo field in the sign-up form but once they confirm their email they can access the site even if their ID turns out to be invalid. 

Would changing "default member's level to assign after person's profile creation" in person settings be the way to go?



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Replies (3)
    • Hello PaulDJ8& !

      You may disable autoactivation of account (Studio->Settings->Account), remove all actions from the unauthorized and standard levels and create the new level for the checked members.

      • Paul, 

        That is a great answer by Leonid.

        We take things a step further by adding custom "blocks" on all pages of the site. These blocks are RAW html, with instructions on what to do next and only visible to Unconfirmed.  

        We then customize all other blocks and menus to be visible based on the level we set, some people can see things, but not interact with them. Some sections of the site are completely invisible and only available via invitation. 

        • Thanks for the advice guys.

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