Photos Cut-Off in Timeline Module - Resolution

I had an issue where photos that were uploaded using the Timeline module were being cut-off and the only way you could see the "whole" picture was to open it. I was even able to recreate this issue here on UNA as well on the homepage.

I reached out to LeonidS and he was able to provide a possible fix, which worked. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
So here is what I did. 

Login to your database using PhpAdmin or whichever app you use to access your database.

Go to the sys_transcoder_filters table. BEFORE you do anything, click to EXPORT this table so you will have a backup, then run the following in SQL. 

Remove the old entry for bx_timeline_photos_medium

DELETE from sys_transcoder_filters where transcoder_object = 'bx_timeline_photos_medium';

Insert the NEW values below:

INSERT INTO `sys_transcoder_filters` (`transcoder_object`, `filter`, `filter_params`, `order`) VALUES

('bx_timeline_photos_medium', 'Resize', 'a:2:{s:1:"w";s:3:"500";s:1:"h";s:3:"500";}', '0');


This will not fix existing photos but will fix any new photos going forward. Alex T⚜️ and Andrew Boon - Can we get this update into UNA 10 before the release?

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