Storage AWS S3

Hi, can someone provide information about Setting->Storage->S3

  • When using this feature all the files that will be uploaded to the site by admin or users will be on hosted on S3?
  • Does uploaded files will link to S3 like http:aws/s3/my_image.jpg?
  • What is "AWS custom domain (require custom DNS setup)"?



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Replies (3)
    • If you want all files to be served via S3 then you need to configure it right after UNA installation.  If you do it later then some files are hosted locally and some on S3. Files which are already stored locally will be stored locally as well.

      As an example, if you upload some file to Albums module before configuring S3 then all files in Albums module will be hosted locally even after S3 configuration. If module has no files uploaded before S3 configuration then after you configure S3 then albums storage is converted to S3. The same is vice versa - change default storage from S3 to Local.

      For the custom subdomain please refer to Amazon docs, "Customizing Amazon S3 URLs with CNAMEs" section:

      • If i will uninstall album module and re-install it back then configure S3 the images will be uploaded to S3? 

        My situation is that i have done some tests before and created some albums with photos. now i want to use S3 for live site.

        @Alex T

        • you can change in directly in database table sys_objects_storage the value of "engine" for the appropriate row(s) from "local" to "S3"

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