Title: Fixing "Undefined variable $aParts" error in BxDolTemplate.php

Hi everyone, I encountered and solved an issue in UNA CMS that was causing PHP warnings. Here's the problem and solution: Error: php

PHP Warning: Undefined variable $aParts in /home/.../public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php

The error occurred in the _getAbsoluteLocation() method of BxDolTemplate.php where $aParts was being used without being properly initialized.


Added a safety check before using $aParts by adding this code:


// Safe initialization of $aParts

if (!isset($aParts)) {

$aParts = explode($sDivider, $sName);


This initialization should be placed before any code that tries to access $aParts[0] or $aParts[1].

The fix ensures that $aParts is always properly initialized before being used, preventing the undefined variable warning.

Note: The error was found using Xdebug and stepping through the code to identify where $aParts was being accessed without initialization.

Hope this helps anyone encountering the same issue!

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