Too large and unused CSS files

I've been testing my site for performance with this in the results i found that UNA loading 2 huge CSS files that most of them are not in use, it's bad for performance, user experience and google rank as well



serving only usable JS/CSS files will make UNA site blazing fast!!

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Replies (3)
      • I have been worried about this for so long too. Sometimes I shake my head whenever I check my website on gtmetrix, it's F9 back to back... I always thought that when you update, you try to make websites more lightweight but with UNA, they become even heavier! 

        They need to take a clue from WordPress! 

        • Actually we do it for reason, actually this approach improves performance a lot. 

          UNA load 2 combined CSS files on any page. 1st one is big common CSS file which is the same on all pages, 2nd is small with custom styles for each page. Since 1st file is the same on all pages, it works very fast since it's cached. If we would load only necessary CSS files for each page then CSS files would be different for each page and cache can't be used effectively, since new file is loaded each time. So we pack quite a lot of CSS in a 1st big file, but since it's should be cached for 30 days by default, it should take 1-2 seconds more only first time, but then next 30 days it will save a lot of time and traffic.

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