user string

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=921&dpx=1&t=1550099830What im looking for is the user string so i can pull the username for site monetization, without having to put advertisments on the site , but im not sure on what string to add to the code , it will be in the <body> in the designer module in injections, i have added the screenshot of what the code requires but need a string to add to identify the user, the monetization works great, just need to show individual users for rewards Andrew Boon thanks in advance

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Replies (2)
    • or anyone that might be able to help me with this ...

      • If you need to get non-uniq profile name then you can call the following for the currently logged-in user:


        To get uniq profile identification for the currently logged-in profile you need to use ID:

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