Joseph Kempton

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Joseph Kempton

I have worked with Boonex Dolphin 9 years ago in 2012 and had an awesome website with over 100,000 members and because it was using so much bandwidth the hosting company wanted to charge me $199.00 per month for a private server, I was experimenting with many open-source projects and using them as a learning experience so I let the hosting company pull the site down. I have since then obtained an associate's degree in IT and a programming certification and currently doing a PHP MySQL review and working on getting my Dolphin website up and running like it was in 2012. I have found many issues with the current version of Dolphin as now they require a VPS for some of the features to work which is a minor setback as I am sure there is a workaround. My goal after getting up and running is to add affiliate marketing to the social network.