Øyvind Lien

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I thought I'd make an UNA group for Norway 🇧🇻🇧🇻.

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Everything was going great last night when I worked on my site, and suddenly (03:01) it jumped back to "under maintenance" again.

The error log says this:


What to do?

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Dear Kanak (https://unacms.com/page/view-persons-profile?id=26099).

12 years ago we worked on our first project together, and we became very good friends. So good friends that you invited me to your wedding in Ahmedabad.

I of course attended, and fell in love with India instantly. As time passed we had many successful projects together. We became better and better friends and I went to India as often as I could to visit you, your wife and your beautiful kids who now have lost their father and mentor.

For 12 years you were an extremely close friend and also the one developer that I knew I could give any task with 100% certainty that it would be completed with excellence and the utmost professionalism.

Our "masterplan" for the future was that you were going to become an UNA expert so that we would put all our great ideas on how to take advantage of the UNA platform to life, finally. I know you would have made modules like no other developer, and I am deeply deeply saddened that we didn`t get to do complete our dream. I am also absolutely sure that the UNA community would hae loved to get to know you as a person and a developer, so that`s why I`m posting this here.


This is the end of our short and final conversation the night before you passed away after getting Covid.

Your Skype account is silent now. Forever..

શાંતિથી આરામ કરો, મારા મિત્ર.

You will always be missed.

-Your friend, Øyvind

Kanak was 35 years old, healthy as few, never had a single piece of red meat, a drink or a cigarette. It took Coronavirus less than 20 hours to take his life. He woke up that day like every other day with no symptoms at all. He didn`t survive the night.

Take care of eachother and appreciate the love and friendships you have in your life. We never know what tomorrow brings.

I wish you all a peaceful and happy christmas/vinter holiday<3.

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I`ve tried installing fresh UNA 12 in "https://www.forum.gjeldsassistenten.no/" many times he last week or so, but every time I do so, the site becomes unavailible after 10-30 mins.

Why does this happen, and what can I do to stop this from happening?

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Hey, all.

I am trying to install Organizations and Payment modules on my 12.0.1 site, but they seem to only be able to install if you have version 13. Where can I "downgrade" the modules?

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Is the problem with you guys or my ISP?

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Whenever I have had issues with Una (mostly issues due to my lack of programming/developing knowledge), LenoidS has sent me PMs offering to solve the issues I`ve had.
Always helpful, boosting with knowledge and all over a fantastic representative of the brilliant, unique and exeptionally innovative UNA platform. Thank you for being here <3.
Let`s make this a positive thread about how fantastic these guys and their platform are. No shit talking, only genuine positive comments :-D.

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Can anyone help me please?
I don`t think I fu*ked up in any way here, but the "+" sign next to profile name in top right corner stopped working all of a sudden. I have not been messing around in the files in any way. All I did was doing some string translations from english to norwegian.
Would appreciate all help 💓

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Øyvind Lien Discussions
Database query error when trying to see profiles
Under maintenance again.. This is getting a bit annoying
Rest in peace, Kanak
When installing a fresh install, my site goes unavailible after 20 mins
Modules won`t install since I haven`t upgraded to version 13 yet.
Suddenly this happened to my UNA site.