Aurélien Pierre

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I have a multilingual Una community website and a multilingual main website. On the main website, each language has its own RSS feed. I want to display an RSS block on Una sidebars, displaying the RSS feed in user selected language. In other words:

if UNA lang == EN : display /en/feed.xml ; else if UNA lang == FR : display /fr/feed.xml

How can I do that ?

  • 609
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I have a technical question & answers discussion forum on UNA and I would like, in the future, to use questions and answers to train a Q&A AI bot. To do this, I need a way to programmatically identify the best answer to each question, and the number of votes seem like a good approach.

UNA discussions have an Up/Down vote feature for the whole discussion (assumed to be linked to the first post), but it seems that the answers (or comments) only have the "like" button.

How can I enable Up/Down votes for discussions replies/comments ?

  • 721

I have installed a translation package on top of the English default one. Now I'm trying to make discussions multilingual.

I managed to add a "language" custom data field to the Add/Edit/Search discussions forms, so users can tag their posts with the right language.

Where I struggle is to be able to filter discussions by language on the discussions home page, so users will see only the relevant discussions. I didn't find blocks to add in the page.

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I have installed a translation package on top of the English default one. Now I'm trying to make discussions multilingual.

I managed to add a "language" custom data field to the Add/Edit/Search discussions forms, so users can tag their posts with the right language.

Where I struggle is to be able to filter discussions by language on the discussions home page, so users will see only the relevant discussions. I didn't find blocks to add in the page.

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I write a lot everyday and I'm used to do it in Markdown, to avoid dealing with "rich" editors like TinyMCE and the likes. Leaving the keyboard to format text with the mouse is a bad workflow when you have to basically type all day - I first implemented a Markdown parser into a WordPress plugin and now moving to Hugo for this reason. I have seen that the wiki pages can be edited in Markdown, but I didn't find info for other fields in the website (discussions, posts, notes, etc.) and the Markdown syntax doesn't seem to be parsed.

Beside Markdown, the real goal is also to use Mermaid, which I already implemented in Hugo and WordPress. Once you declare a code block with class mermaid, you just have to load the static JS in the page to have it rendered client-side.

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In UNA 13.0.0-RC3, after setting up the "payments" module to accept both PayPal API and Stripe, when going to user settings I only get the PayPal option to add credentials (and it works). The doc says only Stripe and PayPal are fully working, but I get no trace of Stripe config. Is that normal ?

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long story short, I'm a musician looking for other musicians to jam in the neighbourhood. Turns out there is no app/website of that sort covering this area, which is a surprise given the number of dating apps we have now.

I would like to build a music "dating" site to connect people like me. There are a few features I need :

  • Mandatory profile extra fields (if people don't fill them, then the whole thing has no point) :
  • Instrument(s) played/owned and level of practice,
  • Style(s) played
  • Can read/transcribe/arrange/compose music sheets ?
  • Has a place to play ?
  • URL to Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Youtube, TikTok and any other place where musicians can drop their own tunes,
  • Searchable location, ideally ± some radius from origin location,
  • Ability to create and join "bands",
  • Ability to advertise music events.

I have installed UNA and played around options a bit, but it seems that :

  1. I can't add extra profile fields, let alone search them,
  2. the location-based search is well hidden in a page,
  3. I can't seem to hack the "organization" app into a "band" one.

Do you have any pointers to help me here or did I mistunderstood the purpose or UNA ? Thanks !

  • 743
Aurélien Pierre Discussions
Language-conditional page block
Discussions: vote for/against StackOverflow style
Multilingual discussions
Writing in Markdown ?
Stripe configuration not available ?
Building a music dating site