Comment to 'some questions about tables :)'
  • Yes you are right :)
    Doctors will have their web sites of their medical centers etc. through our portal.

    I did some integration to my UNA SITE so that when the doctors  login, they will see in the homepage menu toolbar an icon that links to  a custom page with an iframe.

     I dont want the user to go out of the portal to manage their web page.

    This page will tell them their SITEMAGIC CMS usernames and passwords etc. I put these informations inside sys_accounts with additional fields. Cause I was only able to see the ID of the logged in user from sys_accounts table and this doesnt (always) match to the one in persons_data .
    For example one of the members:

    in sys_accounts table is id, profile_id 52 111

    in persons_data id, author 48,110

    So in my code I was able to discover the ID from sys_account table. But when I wanted to check this user from persons_data I can not match any field to find the user there with the id of the sys_account. 

    I was not able to discover the profile_id of persons_data in my code :(