Comment to '"posts" search function not working'
  • it depends how you set up your layout, you have a pretty minimalist look going on over there, and my guess is at the beginning you may have deleted things and then re-created them later without the system names, or with different ones.    
    so the pieces of the site cant talk together in total sync, if i am correct.
    you would be experiencing things like creating a section (as per your design) on someones profile, and then have that thing not link to anything else, or be searchable, etc, in the ways the menu systems are laid out in the editing stuff in the studio..
    what i mean another way is if you dramatically re-created the way the different parts of your site work, without re-defining those variables (in this case the variables in question tell what components of the site like say, "timeline" where the other pieces that plug in, and integrate with the timeline actually are, in the files that your site is made up of.

    the result? it would be that your site cant really talk to itseslf.   20 % of the files learned a new language, we'll call it "mergedia" , and they refuse to talk to the other 80% of your sites files because they are so enamoured with their newly learned language, yet the 80% of the files... well thoe files feel as though they are getting an astrophysics lesson in maori, while having grown up in minnesota, or the middle of wyoming or something.   it just doesn't work.  :)

    • I have to have super easy, super minimal navigation - no one is going to take the time to wade through loads of redundant links , people are in a hurry frenzy online if it's not easy they jump ship

      • yes.  

        consider the added complexity of having at least 60% of your audience using a 2.5x3.2'' phone screen instead of a proper monitor on a laptop.

        eyeballs are not set phone size apart for reference.  theres a reason monitors are the size they are.  so the eyes can look straight forward without having to constantly shift focus to see the thing.
        all this makes mobile navigation a giant pain in the *** and honestly, I never use my phone.  But every few weeks I'll load my site on my phone to see what it looks like, just because.